Advanced Locations Victoria

Victoria’s Premier Underground Service Locators

As BYDA certified and nationally accredited Service Locators we are experts in all areas of underground service locating, identification, damage protection and service mapping.

Locally owned and operated in Gippsland and servicing all of Victoria.

We utilise a range of specialist techniques and equipment such as Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Electronic Locators, CCTV Camer and electromagnetic locating equipment to aid in the identification of both known and unknown underground services, with a focus on safety, efficiency and reliability our service quality is recognised within the industry as being unparalleled, with all works carried out in accordance with AS5488-2013 ‘classification of Subsurface Utility Information

Common services/ utilities we locate:

  • Telecommunications cables

  • Storm-water pits

  • Water pipes

  • Electrical cables

  • Fibre optic cables

  • Gas pipes

  • Sewer pipes

Our team utilises state of the art equipment that used in conjunction with industry specific and up to date locating practices helps to provide our customers and clients with an effective, professional and comprehensive service. At Advanced Locations Victoria we understand the importance of having quality over quantity and endeavour to get the job done right on the first visit, we never compromise our quality to adhere to timescales or job pressures. This means you can trust us to provide a reliable service every time.

Offering the Very Best: Our Commitment to Service Locating

 As a BYDA/ Dial Before You Dig certified service locating company, our mission is to provide the very best in locating services. With a firm commitment to safety and efficiency, we continuously strive to exceed industry standards and deliver exceptional results to our valued customers.

Unparalleled Expertise and Experience

 At our company, we recognize that service locating is a specialized field that requires extensive knowledge and experience. That's why we take pride in employing a team of highly skilled professionals who possess unparalleled expertise in all aspects of service locating. with over 12 Years of experience our technicians undergo comprehensive training and BYDA certification programs to ensure they are equipped with the latest techniques and tools.

The Importance of Service Locating Underground Utilities

Service locating underground utilities is a critical aspect of any construction or excavation project. It involves using advanced techniques and equipment to precisely locate and map the underground infrastructure, such as water pipes, gas lines, electrical cables, and telecommunication cables. While it may seem like an additional step, the benefits and reasons for servicing these underground utilities are substantial. In this article, we will explore the importance of servicing underground utilities.

1. Safety
The primary reason to service locate underground utilities is to ensure the safety of construction workers, as well as the general public. Digging blindly without knowing the location of buried utilities can lead to accidental damage or even severe injuries. Gas leaks, electric shock, or water pipe ruptures can have catastrophic consequences. By conducting a comprehensive service locate, potential hazards are identified beforehand, allowing for appropriate safety protocols to be implemented.

2. Cost-Efficiency
Digging into underground utilities without knowing their exact location can result in costly repairs and project delays. Accidentally damaging a utility line can lead to significant repair costs and potential liabilities. Not only do you have to pay for the repairs, but you may also face penalties and legal consequences for the disruption of essential services. By service locating underground utilities, potential conflicts are detected early on, reducing the risk of costly repairs and ensuring the project stays within budget.

3. Time-Savings
Efficiency is essential in any construction project, and servicing underground utilities can save valuable time. By accurately locating utilities before excavation or construction commences, you can plan the project more effectively. Knowing the exact locations of utilities can help avoid unnecessary detours, redesigns, or relocations, ultimately saving time in the long run. It allows for a streamlined workflow and prevents unexpected delays due to repair work or re-routing utility lines.

4. Legal Compliance
Before initiating any construction project, adhering to legal regulations and permits is crucial. Many jurisdictions require a comprehensive service locate survey to ensure compliance with safety and environmental regulations. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines, penalties, or even legal actions. Service locating underground utilities ensures that you are abiding by the law and mitigating any risks associated with non-compliance.

5. Damage Prevention and Environmental Protection
Accidentally damaging underground utilities not only poses safety risks but can also harm the environment. for example, a ruptured gas pipe can release hazardous gases into the surrounding area, while damaging sewer/ water pipes can result in the contamination and destruction of sensitive surrounding ecosystems